“BATTLEGROUND” is a short documentary film conceived by Kwesi Thomas & Mark Bone which came to life through conversations immediately following the death of George Floyd. It addresses the life long struggle and confusion that many black people face in silence when growing up. It is an intimate look into the subtle, often overlooked moments of racism and the ensuing vulnerabilities that linger for life and which can shape identity. This film will be Kwesi Thomas' directorial debut.
Mark Bone is a passionate, award winning, multi-talented documentary and commercial director based in Toronto, Canada. Mark was first inspired to pursue documentary filmmaking when he spent time as an aid worker during the Darfur war helping refugees who were fleeing into Egypt. His work focuses on characters in the midst of conflict or crisis, capturing their story with a dynamic cinematic verite style. Mark has directed numerous documentaries, including his heart pounding CNN FILMS documentary; 58 HOURS, which chronicles the heroic rescue of Jessica McClure the fallout from that event.