On The Cusp, Longlist - Music Video

100 Million Miles


Stink Films

"Berwyn is a sick guy who’s really unique. When he walks into the room you can’t miss him, he’s someone that’s always bringing the best energy. With the 100,000,000 Miles video I wanted to help Berwyn tell his story in a way that mixes both sides of his personality, allowing the viewer to understand how special this guy is. I wanted to juxtapose the terrible hardships Berwyn once found himself in, when he was homeless in a car, to his glass half full, extremely warm and playful vibes. The team worked together to think of ways we could tell the story using playful tricks and fun ideas that don’t feel like they are glossing over or glamourising the realities of his life. In our early conversations Berwyn said he wanted the video to be a bit like a pantomime. You can really hear the folkish story telling influences in all of Berwyn’s music so I loved this reference and ultimately we landed on a very theatrical idea. Every scene only exists to act as an aide for Berwyn to help tell his story further. Berwyn is an incredible writer and the song is lyrically very powerful so it was really important to me that the video exemplifies this. It was a pleasure to be involved." - LOOSE

LOOSE is a UK based director and music strategist. LOOSE work is both familiar and experimental - capturing vibrant moments of unorthodox characters in exciting ways.