In The Making, Longlist - Music Video
Shortlist - Music Video
Music Video
Winner - Silver

Palindrome, First Time

LESYEU - Fabio Giavara, Samir Fennane

Talking about a man, about his very flaws and qualities. As someone could suddenly lose faith in the world and find himself in front of the oldest question: to stop or to move forward. To us, salvation is in other people: to stare into the pain in somebody else’s eyes and to act. Helping and allowing ourselves to be helped are two sides of the same coin. A tale about this unspeakable sadness, often invisible, but that everybody knows. Sometimes, to overcome it, an act is enough: a hug to remind us that we have skin, air in our lungs, and that we exist.

LESYEU is an artistic-duo composed by two directors from Italy: Fabio Giavara and Samir Fennane. Fabio Giavara curated several writing and directing processes like "Marracash - Persona" (Visual Album 2020). Samir Fennane directed several spots for cultural purposes like the "Spot for the Reggia di Caserta" (2021).