Flying High, Longlist - Commercial

SPA, The survivor

Ben Lacour


Birth Production produces the latest awareness campaign of La Société Protectrice des Animaux (SPA) with a new film imagined by the agency WNP and directed by the talented Benjamin Lacour. It features the testimony of a survivor who, despite his newfound happiness, remains traumatized by what happened to him in the past. The film plays the wrong track, focusing on the dog’s master, with flashbacks evoking a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, when it is in fact the dog, and a Post-Abandonment Syndrome. To reveal the harsh reality of the physical and psychological consequences of this cruel act of abandonment, the SPA, WNP and Birth Production opted for the short film format. Directed by Benjamin Lacour (BIRTH) - during the confinement while respecting the sanitary rules - this short film and its 30s version will be broadcast on the web and on TV throughout the summer. In this «Family made» project, Benjamin Lacour, surrounded by his children, his dog and his relatives knew perfectly how to stage all the ordeals that abandoned animals go through: anguish, survival, wandering, the violence of wildlife and the dangers of the road.

Benjamin Lacour has become a master at depicting intimacy on screen. He knows better than any other directors how to express his characters’ feelings and create emotion using a strong narrative thread. Benjamin has worked in France, in Anglophone Africa and in the Maghreb with the same energy and enthusiasm. Campaign after campaign, he’s been capable of depicting the human comedy to serve the best interest of the brands and mark the viewers’ minds. His aptitude in speaking to the public’s hearts has already seduced companies like Djezzy, Orange and Banque Populaire.