A story of a teenager caught between two worlds. Leaving home for a night out with his friends reveals a huge contradiction between youth drinking culture and what it can lead to in adulthood. For AJ and his friends excessive drinking is normal on a night out. But if 1 in 5 teenagers like AJ have an alcoholic parent at home or in the family, this presents a huge contradiction. For most teenagers, where peer pressure is commonplace, drinking is seen as cool. But for their parent’s generation, alcohol abuse can be a destructive addiction.
Alex gained his first experience in filmmaking while graduating in classical piano studies at Robert-Schumann-Hochschule Düsseldorf (Prof. Yumiko Maruyama). It was his passion for music, that led him into the industry, directing beneficial concerts for Die Toten Hosen. After these first steps as a director during his studies at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg he focused more and more on character-driven, emotional storytelling. Until today he plays and teaches the piano to find balance in between working on films.