Thomas Amoedo
MD / Partner
Thomas Amoedo is an Argentinean Executive Producer, part of the new generation of creators and considered one of the leading voices in the production industry from Mexico and Latin America.
Born and raised in the powerhouse Landia, the top Spanish-speaking production company over the last 20 years, Thomas has dedicated his entire career working for the Latin American and US markets, producing international award-winning projects for brands like Corona, Coca Cola, Nissan, Bitso among others.
In 2016, he moved to Mexico to develop the company in the local market and start Landia Content, a new division focused on original content development and production, that now collaborates with the most influential and renowned brands and creatives from the local industry. But most importantly, he has been based in Mexico City ever since.
Projects like Movistar “This Is Not A Game”, Axe Young & Mature, Andes Miraculous Hen, MACMA Man Boobs, Scrabble Anagram Lovers, Volkswagen Trucks, and Save The Children (which won the first Cannes Lion in Craft in the history of Mexico) have been awarded in the most prestigious festivals globally.