Director's Works

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The Tears You Left With Me Thibaut Buccellato
Anomalie Films & 27Films

WEBSITE @thibuch @diazugo @anomaliefilms @editions27films @kellydassault @leynabloom #thetearsyouleftwithme

Thibaut has directed - and self-produced - many short films that got selected by various festivals around the world : The Space Between Us, In the Night (with actors Nash Edgerton and Isabel Lucas), The Wait (starring Ekaterina Samsonov), Someone, Somewhere (with Rebecca Dayan and Jeremy McClain). His latest project, The Tears You Left With Me, stars American actor Leyna Bloom. His style combines poetry with storytelling, as a very personal attempt to make films on feelings and emotions. In parallel with his fiction work, Thibaut is also focusing on advertising and music videos projects.