Director's Works

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HOPE Shaun James Grant
Pavilion Works


Shaun James Grant is a screenwriter, filmmaker and photographer. His world building is simultaneously both unique and recognisable. An often somewhat nostalgic affair, that feels rich in depth. Shaun’s work is often deals with themes of loss, self preservation and human determination. People finding will and desire to overcome when they are expected to fall is equally present in his work. This often leads his narratives down a honest and raw path which don’t always result in absolute resolution.

I’ve never experienced fear so deep than the fear felt when my daughter came into the world. Could I protect her from all the dangers she may encounter in her life? Probably not, but I could prepare her for them by being an example she could look to, absolutely. Since the day she was born I’ve tried to do this, but at some point I know even this may not be enough. We can only control the actions we choose to undertake, not the actions of others. With this in mind, as a parent, the fear of losing your child never goes away, it lingers under the surface. This was my way of channelling that anxiety and turning into something honest and expressive. For me this story was about conveying something, a feeling that we could all relate to in some way, loss. I wanted to tap into what it must feel like to be carrying a deep sense of loss whilst still holding on to some form of Hope that it won’t be eternal. Hope in this context is very much about showing strength and vulnerability simultaneously, a constant struggle that often leaves you feeling as though you’re swimming upstream. It’s an examination of an impossible situation which doesn’t always have a resolution.