Director's Works

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Renaud R5, The Climb Sebastian Strasser

WEBSITE @sebstrasser @diazugo @publicisconseil @lipstick_berlin @everest_studio @prodigiousfrance

Sebastian Strasser is a German director. His works have been honoured with more than 200 international awards, including 16 Cannes Lions and multiple Golds at all major festivals around the world. He has been listed #13 in the Gunn Report’s Most Awarded Commercial Directors ranking. Recently, his interpretation of the story of Bertha Benz for Mercedes won him 4 Cannes Lions and went viral online. Powerful brands such as Mercedes, Vodafone, Heineken, BMW and VW have been working with Sebastian for years as he embodies pure perfection, devoting his attention to the smallest of details in all stories and images he creates for each individual client. Sebastian is based in Los Angeles and Berlin.