Director's Works

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What Will Still Exist? Ross Allen

WEBSITE @rossallenfilm @goodideastudio

With over a decade ascending the agency ranks, Ross is a director dedicated to ‘the idea’. He crossed the threshold to become a full-time director in late 2018. His understanding of the message, brand, emotion, and strategy applied to the creative allows Ross to craft a story that resonates deeply with its audience. Ross’s approach merges the truth of documentary with conceptually driven and emotive imagery, making his work personal and human.

During an Earth Day presentation, Elizabeth questions, what will still exist when she grows up? This self-funded film was created to raise awareness of climate change - seen through the perspective of a young anxious 4th grader. I made this film last year and just became a father for the first time. It now resonates deeper every day. I will always try and use my craft to share important messages.