Director's Works

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Buon Appetito, Plastic Fisher Pascal Momper
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

WEBSITE @pascal_momper @filmakademie_bw

Pascal Momper is a commercial film director and studies at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. His films shine with a humorous narrative style that chooses unconventional approaches to express products and themes. As a young person, he is always close to the Zeitgeist, both thematically and narratively, which enables him to communicate in an unusually effective way. In "Buon Appetito", he combines a highly important topic with a bold narrative style that serves the viewer the blunt truth, garnished with a good dose of humor.

The pollution of our oceans is a long-standing and undeniably important issue. I myself first realized the actual extent when I saw on the Mekong Delta in Vietnam how much garbage, mainly plastic, ends up in the ocean via the river. It is therefore clear that this problem must be tackled. And because I'm a fan of people who actually do things, I was even more impressed when I heard about Plastic Fischer. This german Start-Up is working with a lot of dedication to find a solution and is having good success so far. In my opinion, exactly such people and organizations deserve all of our attention, which is why I wanted to make this film.

Award: Shortlist - Planet Positive, Winners - Commercial (Silver)