Director's Works

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Mother Nature's Power Nicolas Bori

WEBSITE @msbmarco @nicolasivanbori @filmakademie_bw

Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Nicolas first got a business degree in Maastricht ((Netherlands) before realizing he could maybe make a living off his real interest: storytelling and films. He went all in, quit his good paying job in Ireland and became a travel content filmmaker for a British adventure travel company. 5 years, 50 countries and 1 film featured in National Geographic later, he decided to take the next step. He learnt German and applied at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg as a commercial director. He officially graduates in 2023 but is already directing commercials in the market. He is currently based in Berlin. Nicolas loves storytelling (both emotional and comedy), practical challenges on his films, using CGI and VFX to enhance a story, finding projects with relevant social messages, thinking creatively to make big things on tight budgets, and reviewing every possible option to find the perfect cast.

Our goal was to make a film to support and motivate the young people involved in environmental movements like Fridays for Future, Extinction Rebellions and other smaller groups. Our intention was to capture the feeling of the unfair fight these kids were waging against gigantic corporations for their future, and their plea that someone more powerful (the governments/wider society) would come to their aid. We wanted to create a film that these people can feel represented by and motivate them to not give up on their fight for a safer future.

Award: Winners - VFX (Silver), Winners - Planet Positive (Gold)