Director's Works

Your Guardian / Cuvam te Mimi Vlaovic
Taking inspiration from her novels and personal life, Mimi's works focus on female perspectives of cultural transgenerational patterns, particularly in family dynamics and love. She is also seeking justice for happy endings in the world of art house cinema – hoping to inspire and never crush her audience’s souls.
I noticed that at a time of crisis, the urge to protect gets stronger. Especially in the Balkans, our parents, godfathers, siblings, potential and real partners, mentors - all think they know what’s best for you and want to be your guardians. The theme that I’m exploring is how do you embrace your inner guardian and let go of these lives other people have planned for you. I tried to feel the similarities and differences of me and my parents (whose experiences from the 90s inspired this script) deeply and merge our struggles of fighting for the right to listen to our inner voice in our own families.