Director's Works

Ibeyi, Lavender & Red Roses Lucrecia Taormina
2021 UKMVAs Best New Director nominee, Lucrecia, from Buenos Aires, studied photography in London where she also developed her love for the moving image. Her bold and entertaining narratives with a hyper – real aesthetic, strong characters and iconic world creations have been the center pieces of her filmmaking and photography. Her work has already been widely recognised in the commercial and music world with Kinsale Shark, Creative Circle, 1.4 and UKMVA Awards, as well as recognition at the Cannes YDAs and Ciclope
Ibeyi twins and Smith attempt to free a man stuck in a well in the The video reenacts the Greek mythology of Moira, or “Fate,” where three women – Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos – were in charge of determining the fate of human lives. Clotho, portrayed by Smith, spins a thread that represents the human’s life, Lachesis, portrayed by Lisa-Kaindé, measures the length of the thread, and Atropos, portrayed by Naomi, cuts the thread to mark the moment of death.