Director's Works

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NHTSA, Never Happens – Forgotten Lisa Rubisch
Park Pictures

@lisarubisch @parkpictures

Lisa Rubisch’s work is joyful and sensitive. A self-confessed “sucker for a triumphant underdog theme” Rubisch reveals new angles on universally relatable life moments from a female perspective often shooting with families and children to show another side to the story. Whether it’s a montage of childhood firsts (snowman, bubblegum bubble, baseball game) for Trex (Footsteps) or an insight into the extra mile mums have to go to work out (Dick’s Sporting Goods – Choices). Rubisch started her career at MTV where she was encouraged to ruffle feathers and make bold choices, writing and directing many memorable spots including the campaign for the MTV Movie Awards, and the momentous ‘Paper Doll’ PSA – calling out female stereotypes – that was initially shelved by a blinkered boss and then upon release “won more awards than anything [she’s] done since”. As one of a handful of female commercial directors in the industry for a very long time Rubisch’s work caught the eye of Madonna, who brought Lisa on board to promote her concert tours, movies, and albums, and then numerous brands like IKEA, Disney, Nike, Coors, Chobani, Chevy, Pampers, McDonald’s, Walmart, Home Depot, Bank of America, Tide, Honda, American Express, Target and Hershey’s. A prolific writer, Lisa’s work has been featured in CupofJo (a popular blog), Conde Nast Traveler, Literary Mama, and Huffington Post. Lisa’s HP film ‘Togetherness’ was nominated for Best Performance piece at the 2018 AICP awards and won a Ciclope award for casting.