Director's Works

Mgzavrebi, Waltz Lado Kvataniya Here you will find: - a spreadsheet with some Lado's selected works: links + stills/backstage on each video; - selected press with some main publications that might help you with the view.
“Waltz” is a story about the Georgian view of life and death and the concept of rebirth, the continuity of generations within the same family, about the soul, which continues in our children. Traditions and rituals are the foundation of Caucasian culture. There is a belief to remember those who have passed away when we talk and reflect - thus, we invite them to the table, and they are present with us. There is a custom to visit the graves of dead loved ones. We reflect on this ritual, and it is about the family’s attitude towards the departed. An essential national part of culture is toasting. There is always a toastmaster at the Georgian table - he leads and moderates the feasts. The presence of all family members and chanting, toasting, and stories about the deceased allow him to be at the table with the living. Thus, the boundary between the world of the living and the dead is erased, uniting everyone at the same table. The film tells about an invisible connection with a departed loved one and the mystical possibility of soul reincarnation. The main character experiences the loss of his mother, but she comes to him in her new incarnation.