Director's Works

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Tourism Tasmania, Become A Winter Person Kyra Bartley

WEBSITE @kyrabartley @finchcompany

Able to perfectly control a range of tones, from the loping and odd, to the heartfelt and raw, acclaimed director Kyra Bartley has an uncanny ability to capture those snatches of quiet grace that most would overlook entirely – a child’s first heartbeat, the gust of wind before a fire. You might not have noticed that moment before everything changed. But Kyra Bartley did.

The campaign centralizes on the natural simplicity of Tasmania and its inherent link to cooler temperatures within Australia. The director approached the simplicity of the script in a way that is unapologetic, unpretentious and underplayed, crafting a visually stunning piece that isn’t trying to be aggressively quirky. Rather, crafting a film that is distinct in it’s own character, much like Tasmania.