Director's Works

The Real St George Kate McMullen
Kate McMullen grew up near Cambridge, on Pink Floyd's Grantchester Meadows. Graduated from Oxford, she became Creative Director in Shanghai and Paris where she worked for brands such as Adidas and Absolut, before turning full-time to filmmaking. In her work, she weaves wit and colour into her strong world views.
Director Kate McMullen said, "This is the fully fact-checked St George. People think of him as a white knight on a white horse with a right-wing agenda - but the evidence reveals someone very different. We don't know what colour his horse was, but we do know that George was born in Turkey to a Greek father and Palestinian mother, an immigrant most of his life, persecuted for his 'strange middle Eastern beliefs'. It's an eclectic story that has been hidden behind a false narrative for centuries.” The time was ripe to reclaim the English patron saint, says Kate. "In today's climate of fake news and divisive clickbait, the facts matter more than ever. When you dig deeper, you discover common ground. The 'tabloid' St George excluded many - but the facts unite us.” "After Brexit, it feels like there is a bit of a window to redefine what Englishness means today - so we're happy to be making our contribution now.” Casting Director Hannah Simons' diverse cast includes London-born rappers Eerf Evil and Kwakzino alongside actors from across the country. The film was shot by DOP Ahmet Husseyin on 16mm film in locations across London. The 500T Kodak stock was push-processed to amplify the colour palette - which was then treated to the magic touch of colourist George K at Black Kite Studios.