Director's Works

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Lynks, CPR Kassandra Powell
Camp Productions

WEBSITE @thekassandrapowell @@fran_woods_ep @shaniayazmin @lynkslynkslynks

Kassandra Powell is a Greek London-based filmmaker who works in music and fashion video production. Over the years Kassandra has passionately built her strong underground aesthetic and portfolio through documenting as a videographer and also host/persona for East London's and Los Angeles subculture club scene. This led her to work with some of the best nightclubs, performers, and artists such as Icona Pop, Bimini, Tayce, LYNKS, Talia Mar, Girli, Hey, Baby! Plan B, TroyBoi, Brooke Candy, Jodie Harsh, and many more. Her work has been featured in many publications such as Vogue, Hunger, I-D, Vice, Kaltblut, Clash, Attitude, Gaytimes, Kerrang!, and many more.

Lynks was such a gift as an artist - incredible music, funny by nature, super smart, unique aesthetic and is up for ANYTHING!!! The Idea is based on Lynks having a sudden accident and needing CPR - in his hour of need he falls in love with the hunky paramedic played by 'Red Hot 100' photographer Thomas Knights. We wanted to create a surreal film juxtaposing the mundanity of British village life together with Lynks in his signature look & them having an out of body experience on the top of an ambulance. the majority of shots are very composed, shot using crash zooms to up the comedy value and give the viewer the opportunity to take in the visuals. Lily Cobbold our art director went above and beyond creating an inedible date night spread straight out of the 80's - our favourite moment was realising the chicken was raw and creating the leg spreading moment that had us all squirming.

Award: Shortlist - Humour