Director's Works

Fluttering Pages Joffrey Jans
Joffrey Jans is an award winning director from Hamburg, Germany. He studied at Parsons School of Design in NYC, where he co-founded his first animation studio, After moving to Germany he started working as a producer for MTV, and then as an Art Director for the award-winning redesign of VIVA television. Whilst working as a freelance Art Director he began directing music videos for numerous leading German and international artists. Later he gained success as part of the director duo Wolf&Lamm. Since the end of 2019, Joffrey has decided to go solo to push forward his own personal style as director. Joffrey also works as a visual artist.
Directors Statement “When I think of certain books, I often remember exactly when and where I read them— on the subway, on a sunny balcony, at a bus stop while it rained, in the comfort of my bed, on the beach, in a restaurant or on vacation... As I recall a specific passage I can even remember the pleasant coolness of the shade, the burning hot sun on the tips of my feet, the smell of sunscreen, the lapping of the water. A good book takes us places, it makes us experience things, and when we put it down for a moment we can almost let the action play dreamily before our eyes. And sometimes we completely forget the world around us. When watching people read, immersed, focussed, it does something to us. We wonder which adventure they are living in at that moment, what is touching them, what’s making them think or simply amusing them. The past year more than ever, many of us have rediscovered the simple beauty of holding a book and the immense pleasure of escaping the difficult reality we all shared even if just for a few hours. The film I had in mind is an ode to readers, to the corners they have found for themselves in cramped homes, to the endless days they've filled with incredible stories, to that feeling of not being able to put a book down, and to the timeless joy of turning a page...” Reading is such an analogue, tactile and emotional experience, I knew from the moment I wrote the concept that this would only translate in analogue film stock. The DP Daniel Obradovic chose Vision3 250D to have more grain for all day scenes and Vision3 500T for the night scenes. Luckily, we were able to gather a crew of talented film lovers to make this all happen. Beginning with the crew in Portugal, right through the production house Goodhouse Films in Berlin into all stages of post-production - we couldn't have achieved it without them.