Director's Works

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Invisible Jean-Charles Charavin
Incendie Films


Jean -Charles Charavin is a young director from Montpellier, in the south of France. He falls in love with cinema and images at a very young age then graduates from ESEC in Paris. There, he meets Ian Hurtado and Antoine Olla with whom he launches Incendie Films in 2017. Since then, he directed more than 40 music videos for iconic and various french artists such as Booba, Louane, Petit Biscuit, Nto, Hamza and many more. Whether it’s in his short movies, music videos or commercials his search for cinematographic inspiration and his desire for storytelling makes him a truly unique director within the french scene.

For this project we I had the opportunity to work with an incredibly open minded artist, NTO, who gave me total creative freedom. I really wanted to tell a story in a cinematic way and film characters that I care about. I have always liked to mix different types of genre, of styles, in my projects and being able to address social issues like bullying through a super-hero, almost spiderman like project was both a challenge and a fun experience.