Director's Works

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Leave No Footprint Behind Georg Warga

WEBSITE @georg_warga

After starting his career as Creative Director and later ECD, Georg soon decided to follow his nerdy heart when he opened Goodstein. This gave him the freedom to show off his talent as a storyteller and director, blending the worlds of live action and animation and making meaningful films and advertising projects. His humble but determined disposition on anything he works on has won him numerous awards across different categories and festivals throughout the world. Georg never stops learning.

Definite Articles performance socks are the first biodegradable of its kind. The socks are made of state-of-the-art, endurable fibres, leaving no footprint behind as they completely degrade back into nature without any ecological damage. The elements earth, water and air are natural biotopes and habitat for many plants and species. Visualizing those in context with the product will clearly communicate the idea and use of it.

Award: Shortlist - Animation