Director's Works

The Drummer Folkert Verdoorn
Folkert Verdoorn was going for a career in music until a hearing damage changed his course dramatically. Unable to proceed in the music business, Folkert used his creative talent to pursue his second dream. Becoming a director. After taking the dedacting-learning route of low budget gigs as a production assistent on mediocre rom-com's and editing cooking videos. His first real creation (A music video for Kurdish singer Naaz) landed him a staff-pick on Vimeo, an Edison award, international attention and put him on the fast track for a successful directing career. He continues to do in the present era, and just released his first fiction short 'The Performer' (and some brief thoughts on beauty from upper-management).
I wanted to create an antidote for the frustration that comes along with being alive in the rural times of our modern world. I think that however harsh, strange or disempowering a time can be, we always have our mind to set us free. To believe in anything, even the impossible, is a beautiful thing. And in a way this film is a dedication to just that. Sometimes the world is a plain thing to see, but that doesn’t mean we can’t believe.