Director's Works

Kalte Liebe, Träume Ohne Wert Florian Christopher
Berlin based director, Florian Christopher, combines experimental imagery with a natural and sensitive approach to storytelling. Heavily influenced by the art scene in his hometown of Vienna, his work captures the climax of an immersive image, revealing its unique story through his strong aesthetic. Moving fluidly between genres, Florian often explores the nuance of self-evolution and awareness through his visual language, which makes his work authentic and arresting.
„Träume Ohne Wert“ IS A HOMAGE TO THE DESOLATE SOULS IN THE TIRELESS STRUGGLE AGAINST ADDICTION AND CONSUMPTION. This film deals with the constant struggle of identity and the often alienation of oneself within the Generation Z. A generation that actually carries a contradiction within itself, in that it on the one hand to drug abuse, ecstasy and self-torture to escape their inner struggles. But on the other hand, in a certain way, has never seemed as life-affirming as it does today. My generation is transparent with its conflicts and self-doubts and is also not afraid to ask for help. It explores the uncomfortable and cold world of rehabilitation centers, where many young people of my generation pray for comfort and salvation on difficult paths. A world, personally characterized by cold, sterile environments and strictly regulated procedures. Our film will be dedicated to the discomfort and isolation that this generation must go through. It is a representation of constant challenges of self-knowledge and self-confrontation, coupled with the psychological and physical elements of cold turkey.