Director's Works

Nike, Land of New Football Felix Brady
Felix Brady's style combines the best of technical wizardry and creative expression with an innovative approach that draws from traditional storytelling models. His fearlessness of cutting edge camera techniques has led to numerous global brands and artists, as well as global recognition among his peers.
Nike continues to emphasize its mission to change the face of football in its latest "Play New" ad. The spot, Directed by Felix Brady, centers on the idea of the "Land of New Football," with a new generation of players declaring their independence from the old ways of the game. That idea is visualized metaphorically by imagery depicting all the football pitches and stadia all over the world stitched together to form a gigantic piece of land. While the film features professional football players like Marcus Rashford and Sara Däbritz, it also highlights grassroots football heroes like JJ Roble, the UK’s first Muslim referee, and local football communities around Europe such as Alesia FC in France or Football Beyond Borders in the U.K.. The theme is one of inclusion and being true to who you are. It features a diverse group of talent of all ages, ranging from the incredible B1 players to normalizing breastfeeding with female players.