Director's Works

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The Golden Son Felipe Mansur
Alice Filmes

WEBSITE @alicefilmes @lipemansur @waltamagno

Felipe started as an Art Director in agencies based in São Paulo. In 2015, he joined Wal Tamagno (Executive Producer) founding Alice Filmes — envisioning a production company that could craft feature film-like productions while being light, humane and collaborative. He was named Latin America's Most Awarded Director by the Gunn Report. He has won 3 Cannes Lions plus, 1 Silver Pencil at the One Show, 1 silver and 3 bronzes at El Ojo de Iberoamerica. Felipe has worked with brands such as, Jeep, Fiat, Audi, AB-Inbev, Renault, Volkswagen, Coca-Cola, Rayban, Heinz, Heineken, Samsung, Itaú, Boticário and Apple.