Director's Works

Archive Prints 22 Eugene Nikitin
An independent director, known for his experimental style.
ARCHIVE PRINTS is a conceptual reliving of bewithari’s identity. The set of images born in the video assembles into an almost paranoid stalking plot, where some characters follow others, and the viewer follows the brand. The plot loses one character, finds the next, and so in a long chain of dreams progresses to the finale. ARCHIVE PRINTS is a retrospective of the brand's collections. A dusty, battered chronicle of this retrospective provides an overview of the archive of emotional prints found in the bewithari’s collections. Through the technique of frame-by-frame printing and scanning the very method of capturing images becomes akin to the archive. The brand strives to be humanly organic — through the material technological nature and the search for a technogenic-natural essence. Photochromic, reflective and thermochromic fabrics are inspired by the natural coverings of living creatures. In this connection between the alive and the technological, the project team finds evidence of a future that will bring technology extremely close to humans, reproducing natural imperfections with machine-like precision.