Director's Works

Inner Child Daniel Soares
Daniel Soares is a Portuguese filmmaker & photographer, who grew up in Germany and currently lives in New York. He is known for strong, cinematic visuals and honest storytelling that captures the nuances of real-life and the beautiful melancholy of humanity. His previous work was shown at film festivals in Europe and North America, the International Center of Photography and has won several international creativity awards, such as ‘Young Guns’ in 2017, an award given by the Art Directors Club in New York recognizing the "vanguard of creative professionals under 30 years of age." His newest narrative short film, O QUE RESTA, will premiere in late 2021.
“I wrote the script for this music video almost a year ago but filming with septuagenarians and octogenarians during a pandemic did bring some challenges, so we postponed it until the vaccines came around the corner and we could make sure that kissing strangers was safe again. The casting process took a lot of time too, because we were looking for three very specific actors. I admire Moulllinex’ music and when I listened to ‘Inner child’ these visuals came automatically to my mind. I like this idea that you don’t make up a film, the film already exists and you’re just finding and refining it. Through casting, scouting, rehearsing you discover more and more of what the story really needs to be. It was all a very organic process.” “The repetitiveness of Chantal Akerman’s ‘Jeanne Dielman’, the characters of Aki Kaurismäki, the colors of Almodovar... There were a few influences that made it into this music video, but ultimately, I just listened to what the story really wanted to be. The song is so energetic, that I didn’t want to mirror it with energetic camera work and fast paced editing. The song made us quite comfortable to not move the camera at all. The objective of this 'lingering' is to really connect with these three beautiful souls.” - Daniel Soares