Director's Works

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Megan Thee Stallion, Boa Daniel Iglesias, Jr.

WEBSITE @danieliglesiasjr @sixtwentysixco @theestallion #boa

While completing a theater program at Chapman, Daniel’s friends in ‘The Neighbourhood’ asked him to direct ‘Sweater Weather’, which has amassed over 700M views and gave him his first break. Since then, Daniel has developed a style that is bold and a feast for the senses; sitting somewhere between dark humor and smart surrealism.

Not one for subtlety, Megan Thee Stallion's new music video for her track BOA is a bold, colorful, sexually charged promo inflected with some imaginative video game violence. In it, we follow three friends as they log online to play a mysterious video game. Each playing their own unique level; they shoot, fight, and race against a cute but villainous character known as The Serpent Woman. Rife with over-the-top campy horror, the friends realize all too late that they’ve made a grave mistake… as the way they perish in the game becomes the way they die in real life. When Meg asked me to pitch on her video for BOA, she gave me the reference of the movie “Stay Alive”, a campy horror film from the mid 2000’s. Looking to riff off of that same general plot, Meg wanted to be a video game villain that kills her co-stars. However, I was aware that she was a big fan of anime, and I wanted to bring that fun, colorful sensibility to life in this video, as opposed to going on-the-nose with a dark and spooky vibe. As a kid I grew up as a big Playstation fan, so I looked to nostalgic video games from that system to pull inspiration for imaginative death ideas and world-building. I’m also a fan of the comic book film “Scott Pilgrim VS The World” and was heavily inspired by its inventive camera work, playful concepts, and implementation of action gaming graphics. In the end, we crafted something super fun that pulls reference from so many corners of the gaming world.