Director's Works

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Changes Christoph Wanderer

WEBSITE @christophwanderer

Christoph Wanderer is a young director working across commercials, narrative films, and documentaries, with a unique approach influenced by both visual storytelling and authentic emotion. Born in a small Austrian village, he later moved to Graz to study Media Design at the University of Applied Sciences. Early in his career, Christoph immersed himself in various roles, from shooting and editing to producing, before focusing fully on directing. His work is shaped by a fascination with the ability of short narratives to instantly transport audiences to new worlds, moods, and places. Thereby his creative process is driven by attention to detail and a balance between clear narrative and abstract elements, weaving an unpolished authenticity into each frame.

Based on a true story, the film follows Livia, a young girl suddenly diagnosed with cancer, as she navigates her journey through illness. The story captures the full spectrum of emotions experienced by a child in such a heartbreaking situation, from fear and sadness to moments of resilience and courage. At its core, this film aims not only to reflect the emotional depths of Livia’s journey but also to offer a message of hope for other children facing similar challenges. Moreover, to provide direct support for affected children, we partnered with "Steirer mit Herz," a local aid organization, to launch a fundraising campaign.