Director's Works

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Ebinum Brothers, A better world Benjamin Nicolas
Skeptic Films

WEBSITE @Benjaminnicolas1

I’ve been directing commercials and films for the past 10 years, before that, I worked as an actor, a portrait photographer and shot several feature documentaries. My last Short films WANDA and BEAST have been running major international festivals (Clermont Ferrand, regards)and winning several awards. They are featured on Vimeo STAFF PICK, Short Of The Week, Director’s Library, 1.4.

Speaking with the Ebinum Brothers brought forth a profound spiritual vibe that I aimed to translate into something poetic and symbolic, the color Green was our foundation, and soon after, the scarab beetle emerged as a significant motif. In Egyptian mythology, the scarab beetle, or Khepri, symbolises the sun’s journey across the sky, representing the cycles of life, death, and rebirth.”