Director's Works

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Cry Like a Guy Anthony Rubinstein
Unit9 Films

WEBSITE @ant.rubinstein @kieranbew @willobwords @unit9films @thomas_english

Cut my teeth as an avid doodler / LEGO prodigy. That escalated into a Cambridge engineering degree. That escalated into a job at Red bull Media House. Now i’ve landed somewhere in the middle; shooting films, building contraptions, mastering the dark arts of VFX and harvesting Instagram likes.

Crying is a natural physical reflex. But it’s become a source of shame. And an enemy of ‘manliness’. This narrative harms everyone. Especially boys and men. So, we made a short film explaining why humans cry; biologically, sociologically, historically - and questioning how it became stigmatised. We hope it’ll help people understand crying better, to resist it less. And give them an excuse to start conversations about mental health and managing emotions.