Max Fisher

Last wave from Cannes
By Andreas Nilsson, Max Fisher, Kim Gehrig, Sara Dunlop, Dario Fau

Stolen moments
Small Change (short film)
By Max Fisher

Six of the best creative commercials
By Kim Gehrig, Damien Shatford, Max Fisher, Duncan Winecoff, Lou Escobar , Mark Zibert

Some of the best Covideos
By Kinopravda, Hernan Corera, Mary Dauterman, Thomas Ralph, Robin Comisar, Andrew Nisinson, Alex Brinkman, Lisette Donkersloot, Sergi Castellà, Avtar Khalsa, Josh Borock, Fanny Hoetzeneder, Max Fisher, Elke Van Der Steen, Lucia Ahrensdorf & Michael Reich, Niccolò Natali and Nikola Lorenzin, Cut to Black, Elle Ginter + Stephania Dulowski, Law Chen