The 1.4 Awards Of
Brilliant Filmmaking
The Jury
The Detail
FAQs / Rules, regs and info
If it's not listed here, please ask us:

In what format should I submit my work?

Media type: Video
File types: mov, mp4
File size: Up to 500 Mb
Minimum resolution: 1920 x 1080 Video codec: H264

The new Multi-hyphenate category accepts video, still image, PDF and MP3 files. See the category list below for more information.

What is the maximum length of film?

20 minutes.

If selected for a showcase, a short clip of your film will be shown on the night of the Awards ceremony, due to timing limitations. The full film will be made available to view on the 1.4 website unless restricted due to other festival submissions. If there are restrictions to showing your film online, please ensure you make us aware of these restrictions in the relevant field when making your entry.

What are the three levels of entry?

We have 3 showcases to cater for directors at varying levels of experience. The In the Making showcase benefits from a reduced entry fee. See our entry fees below.

Flying High (Established/more than 4 years professional experience)

On the Cusp of Greatness (1 to 4 years professional experience)

In the Making (Film students and unsigned young directors with up to 1 year of professional experience)

What are the categories?

All categories are available to enter in each showcase.
The 14 categories for 2025 are:
Music Video
Planet Positive
Short Film
Branded Content
Fashion Film
Personal Project
NEW FOR 2025: Music Video (Extended)
Longer-format pieces in the Music Video space. These can include narrative pieces created around a track or encompassing multiple tracks from an album. Films in this category should generally have a duration upwards of 6 minutes and no more than 20 minutes.

To celebrate cross-discipline directors and artists that work across multiple art forms. Entrants can submit between 2 and 4 pieces of work showcasing at least 2 different skills, one of which must be moving image-based. Skills exhibited may include: director, musician, actor, editor, animator, cinematographer, photographer, choreographer, and visual artist. In addition to any moving-image work eligible in other 1.4 categories, entrants may submit other visual or audio content, including music tracks, photographic images, and digital artwork. Photographers/visual artists are advised to upload a PDF portfolio of their work containing no more than 8 images

How much does it cost to enter?

Entry Fees for 2025

EARLYBIRD FEE (Until 6 November 2024)
£130 per entry

£180 per entry

LATE FEE (Until 29 January 2025)
£210 per entry

Please note: there is a £10 surcharge for entries into the Multi-hyphenate category across all showcases

5% Discount for 3 or more entries*
10% Discount for 5 or more entries*
*entries must all be submitted within the same order to gain a discount

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EARLYBIRD FEE (10 January 2025)
£75 per entry

LATE DEADLINE ((29 January 2025)
£100 per entry

5% Discount for 3 or more entries*
10% Discount for 5 or more entries*
*entries must all be submitted within the same order to gain a discount

Our goal is to encourage talent not to stifle it. If you are struggling to afford the full entry fee, please get in touch with us at with a link to your work so that we can view it.

Payment Methods
Our entry platform takes credit card payments via Stripe. Bank transfers may also be arranged through our Contact form using the subject 'Bank Transfer Please'. After payment your confirmation email will contain a PDF file with your entry forms and an invoice for your financial records.

How many times can I enter?

You may enter as many times as you like. Films may be eligible to be entered in more than one category across the Awards. Multiple entries benefit from a bulk discount.
Please see our entry fees above.


Celebration And Ceremony

The Longlist & Shortlist will be announced online on the 1.4 website. The Gold and Silver winners will be announced at the 1.4 Awards Show & Party at London's Barbican Cinema and Conservatory on 7th May 2025.

All Longlisted work will be shown in full-length (unless there are festival restrictions) on the 1.4 website. Many of the shortlisted and showcased directors will be interviewed and featured on 1.4.

About The 1.4 Awards

Will there be a jury this year?

Yes! Enter your film for the chance to get your piece in front of the world’s top creatives, commissioners and content curators. See our 2025 judging panel so farhere.

Key dates for 2025


STANDARD DEADLINE 10 January, 2025

FINAL DEADLINE 29 January, 2025

The Longlist & Shortlist will be announced online on the 1.4 website in Spring 2025. The medal winners will be announced at the 1.4 Awards Ceremony & Party on 7 May 2025.

We value your support

Our goal is to encourage talent, not to stifle it. If you are struggling to afford the full entry fee, please get in touch with us at with a link to your work so that we can view it.

That said, please bear in mind that 1.4 is self-funded and independent. We are completely dependent on your entries to support 1.4's online magazine which is used as a year-round resource for commissioners. It's also a damn good read of interviews with brilliant filmmakers.

How long have the awards been running?

The inaugural 1.4 Show and Party was on September 17, 2015. This will be our 9th year of running the 1.4 Awards. The Show & Party for the current season of the Awards will take place at the iconic Barbican Cinema and Conservatory on 7 May 2025.

How do I keep up to date with this year’s awards?

Follow us on Instagram, Twitter (X), and LinkedIn to see all of our 1.4 Awards updates. You can also subscribe to our mailing list.