How did you go about researching the project?
We approached the research with a lot of care, always prioritising safety. It was important to ensure no one’s well-being was jeopardizsed by sharing their story. That’s why the narrative draws from many experiences rather than just one. Listening to these voices was a humbling experience, and we tried to reflect their strength and resilience in the film, while not sugar-coating the reality they face.
Was everything mapped out in detail prior to production?
The story was clear from the start because it’s rooted in real routes and experiences. I wrote a very detailed script to ensure we had a strong foundation, but I also believe in staying open to the unexpected. It might sound counterintuitive, but being well-prepared creates room for flexibility, and some of the most truthful moments come from letting reality unfold. For this film, collaboration was key – I worked closely with people who had first-hand experience of displacement, both during pre-production and post-production, to ensure authenticity.
Shooting on location: Through My Eyes
Was it location or studio based?
Everything was shot on location. It brought together people from so many parts of the world, and that collaboration was truly inspiring. I am deeply thankful for all the people who collaborated on this with me.
Shooting on location: Through My Eyes
What was the most challenging aspect of the production and how did you resolve it?
The greatest challenge in telling this story was that it’s not one I’ve personally experienced. The awareness of who’s telling the story is as important as handling any logistical hurdle.
Even with extensive research and speaking to countless refugees in pre-production, I can’t even imagine what it must feel like to be one. So how could I speak for the millions seeking refuge?
The truth is, I can’t.
But what I can do is to speak to people like me – people living in Europe or other regions who might feel disconnected from these stories or overwhelmed by the headlines. That’s where this film comes in: This isn’t about giving refugees a voice. They have voices.
Rather, it’s about helping audiences like me – comfortable in their living rooms – see beyond the label of a ‘refugee.’ It is about shifting perspectives and while we may never fully understand someone else’s experience, perhaps the first step is trying to see the world through their eyes.
Upperfast Production website
Leve Kühl website