If watching the film set off another question in your brain – i.e. ‘How the hell did he do that?’ – then you’re in luck; the making-of video above offers an inside-the-scenes glimpse into the painstaking process – from developing the stories with real manga artists, to testing in AR how a 2.5D shooting approach would look, printing out and meticulously cutting over 1000 manga frames, and finally filming them with motion control cameras over 4 days.
Mackenzie Sheppard website
REP: ProdCo
Director: Mackenzie Sheppard
Client: Amazon
Agency: Wieden+Kennedy Tokyo
Project Name: Stories Are My Sanctuary
Director: Mackenzie Sheppard rep’d by ProdCo
Editor: Ahato
Script Co-writer: Kai Sandy
Director of Photography: Oliver Millar
Production Company: AOI Pro
Director Rep: ProdCo
AOI Pro EP: Keisuke Mizusako (水迫恵介)
Producer: Masahiro Oyamada (小山田将大), Wataru Ode (大出航)
Production Manager: Yurika Yamada (山田百合佳), Lu Zhao (チョウ・ル), Atsuko Taketa (武田温子)
1st AD: Hideaki Jimbo (神保英昭)
Production Designer: Masami Tanaka (田中真紗美)
Casting Director: Mai Ikeda (池田舞), Yurika Kagami (各務裕梨佳)
Agency: Wieden+Kennedy Tokyo
Creative Director: Max Pilwat (マックス・ピルワット)
Copywriter: Marina Danjo (檀上真里奈), Andrew Miller (アンドリュー・ミラー)
Designer: Akane Yasuda (安田茜)
Head of Brand Management: Jordan Cappadocia (ジョーダン・カパドーシャ)
Brand Executive: Ryu Kaida (海田隆)
PR Director: Kazuki Kyogoku (京極一樹)
Translator: Takuro Kobayashi (小林拓郎)
Head of Production: Michelle Brough (ミシェル・ブロウ)
Chief Creative Officer: Vivian Yong (ヴィヴィアン・ヨン), Erwin Federizo (アーウィン・フェデリゾ)
President: Yosuke Suzuki (鈴木洋介)
Client: Amazon
Gaffer: Jun Tanaka (田中洵)
1st AC: Anthony Rilocapro (アンソニー・リロカプロ)
2nd AC: Usman Kawazoe (川添ウスマン)
Key Grip: Akira Kanno (神野明)
Location Manager: Daishoku Zen (全大植)
Stylist: Iori Yamaki (八巻伊織)
Hair & Makeup: Phoebe Lin (フィービー・リン)
DIT: Seiji Kogami (小髪清志)
Sound Operator: Koya Hattori (服部航也)
Stop Motion Supervisor: Matthew Amonson (マシュー・アモンソン)
Motion Control Operator: Alex Bartholo (アレックス・バルソロ)@Alex_bartholo__dop
Edit: Ahato
Editor: Sho Date (伊達翔)
Assistant Editors: Shane Lester (シェーン・レスター), Ryo Kubota (久保田亮)
VFX: The Mill @mill_shanghai
VFX: Slavko Gavric (スラヴコ・ガヴリック)
VFX Producer: Jamie Loudon (ジェイミー・ラウデン)
Online Editor: Yusaku Yasuda (安田雄策), Amanda Amalfi (Nomad Tokyo) (アマンダ・アマルフィ)
Music/Sound: SIREN
Music/SFX: Seiji Champollion (セイジ・チャンポリオン),
Music Composer: Chris White (クリス・ホワイト)
Music Producer: Sian Rogers (シアン・ロジャーズ)
Sound: Factory Studios
Sound Designer: Mark Hills (マーク・ヒルズ)
Sound Mixer: Daniel Lovell (ダニエル・ラヴェル)
Audio Producer: Olivia Endersby (オリビア・エンダーズビー)
Color: Rare Medium
Color Producer: Evan Bauer (エヴァン・バウアー)
Colorist: Stephanie Park (ステファニー・パーク)
Director Rep: ProdCo
ProdCo Founders/EPs: Ian Pons Jewell, Zico Judge