Sad Night Dynamite, Sick of Your Sound
Director: Will Hooper @Willhooper__
Exec. Producer / Partner: Paul Weston
Producer: Jack Bingham @Jackbings
Production Assistant: Gerard Markes @Markesgerard
Directors Assistant: Max Mclachlan @Maxburnseasy
Production Runner: Justin Mcquilkin
Dop: Natasha Duursma @Tasha_duursma
Focus Puller: Alasdair Baines @Alibainesfilm
2nd Ac: Caleb Johnston @Calebkjohhnston
Sfx Supervisor: Neil Gawthrop @Machine Shop @Machineshopsfx
Sfx Technician: Tom Tuohey @ Machine Shop @Machineshopsfx
Stunt Choreographer: Ayesha Hussain @Ayeshahofficial
Stylist: Suzie Walsh @Suzwalsh_
Sfx Makeup: Mathilda Mace @Tildax_x_
Hair Stylist: Chrissy Hutton @Chrissyhuttonhair
Bts: Eve Mahoney @Evebelieve_
Editor: Eden Read @ Assembly Rooms @Edenraeread
Grade: Rich Fearon @ Blackkite
Commissioner: Sam Seager @Seagez
tendai, Ughh Parents Evening
Directors: Ethan + Tom
Exec. Producer: Elena Argiros
Prod. Company: Academy Films
Producer: Theo Hue Williams
Dop: Fraser Rigg
Commissioner: Nicola Sheppard
Directors’ Rep: Claire Stubbs / Mouthpiece
Harry Styles, Satellite
Written and directed by: Aube Perrie
Produced by: Rik Green, Francesco Rizzo & Bryan Younce
Production Company: PULSE FILMS
Executive Producers: Rik Green, Davud Karbassioun, James Sorton, Nnena Nwakodo
Creative Director: Molly Hawkins
Label: Columbia Records
Commissioner: Bryan Younce
Kesha, Eat The Acid
Director & Photographer: Vince Haycock
Creative Director: Brian Roettinger
Production Company: Somesuch & Aguita
Somesuch co-founders: Tim Nash + Sally Campbell
Somesuch Executive Producer: Alli Maxwell
Aguita Executive Producers: Veronica Leon + Yamel Thompson
Aguita Head of Production : Ellen Romero
Producer: Jami Arceo
Production Manager: Laura Goldenstein
Prod. Coordinator: Vlad Ponomar
SS Production Manager: Ashley Soloman
Aguita Exec Assistant: Luisa Gonzalez
1st AD: Ivy Lindsey
Director of Photography: Steve Annis
Mae Stephens, If We Ever Broke Up
Director/Editor: Elliot Simpson
Production Company- Park Village
Exec Producer: Jake Bishop
Producer: David Dunnage
DOP: Matthew Emvin Taylor
1st AD: Daniel Castro
2nd AD: Andréa Lino
Production Manager: Luke Clifton
Production Assistant: Lyric Treacy
Art Director: Delphine Fyrst
Art Assistant: Fhuad Braimoh
Drone Op: Milo Mulvagh
VFX: Jakob Thorlasson
Colourist: Philip Hambi, The Mill
Commissioner: Lisa Foo
Stylist : Rhiannon Lagden
Makeup : Angel Aculey
Hair : Terri Grisdale
Eyes of Others, Once, Twice, Thrice
Director, Editor & Producer // Niall Trask // @nialltrask
Director of Photography // Rob Jarvis // @robjarvisdop
Executive Producer // Dan Matthews // @thedanmatthews
Production Company // Ramshackle Productions //
Colourist // Dan Levy // @danmaxlevy
Online Post Producer // Jai Durban // @jaimhachdurban
Online Post House // Rascal Post //
Commissioner // Danny Mitchell // @danno_vision
Director’s Representation // OB Management // @obmanagement
Director’s Representation // Polly Millner // @pollymillner
Director’s Representation // Sam Davey // @samboydavey
Line Producer (Norway) & Concept // Simon Tickner // @simontickler69
Assistant Line Producer (Norway) // Åge Osflaten //
Production Services (Norway) // Betty Fjord Clinic // @bettyfjordclinic
Filmed on Location in Søndre Land, Norway