Young talent gets a spin at Porsche Awards

Shortlist: Auction Spotter: Find Your Art

Shortlist: Auction Spotter: Find Your Art

Video placeholder for Shortlist: Auction Spotter: Find Your Art
Special Mention: Plan International Deutschland /  #THEOTHERVULVA

Special Mention: Plan International Deutschland / #THEOTHERVULVA

Video placeholder for Special Mention: Plan International Deutschland /  #THEOTHERVULVA
Shortlist: Hope Guardians, Voicenote

Shortlist: Hope Guardians, Voicenote

Video placeholder for Shortlist: Hope Guardians, Voicenote
Winner:,    A Dark Moment of Faith

Winner:, A Dark Moment of Faith

Video placeholder for Winner:,    A Dark Moment of Faith
Winner: States United to Prevent Gun Violence: Unboxing

Winner: States United to Prevent Gun Violence: Unboxing

Video placeholder for Winner: States United to Prevent Gun Violence: Unboxing
Winner: Apple: Dirty Money

Winner: Apple: Dirty Money

Video placeholder for Winner: Apple: Dirty Money