Tourist, Your Love
Director: Duncan Loudon
Production company: Somesuch
Producer: Ayo Davis
Exec Producer: Tash Tan
Head Of Production Georgina Fillmore
Music Video Rep Andre Reid
1st Assistant Director: Kole Onis
Runner Brandon Young
Director’s Assistant Francesca Lopes
Director Of Photography: Krzysztof Trojnar
Focus Puller: Barney Batchelor
Editor Duncan Loudon
Colourist: Connor Coolbear @ETC
Baby Keem: 16
Directed by Jonas Lindstroem
Produced by Iconoclast & project3
HAIM, Lost Track
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
Producers: Sara Murphy, Erica Frauman
Gaffer: Mike Bauman
Production Designer: Florencia Martin
Editor: Andy Jurgensen
Production Companies: Ghoulardi Film Company, Connect the Dots
Marina Satti: Yiati Pouli M
Direction: Alexis Gómez
Director Of Photography: Leo Calzoni
Costume Design: Gina Berenguer
Hair Styling: Maria Papadogona
Mua: Christos Mazurek
Edit: Cherrycola
Color: Matt Osborne/ Company 3
Credits Design: Caroline Newton
Production: The Movement
Executive Producer: Agustine Alberti
The Movement Team: David Kohan, Clemente Bruzzone, Thomas Amoed
Rosalía, Saoko
Director: Valentin Petit
Production company: DIVISION
Bluegrass, Stress Dreams
Director: Grant Koltan