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17th November 2020
One of the best creative commercials
Title of film: Burberry, Festive
Director: Megaforce
Production Company: Riff Raff
Hail Storms and Hail Marys for festive times, Megaforce's magical formula of larger than life grandeur grounded in the reality of human experience - in this case, friendship in the face of adversity - has Burberry singing in the rain. 


An (impeccably dressed) quartet dance through the streets; each step taken choreographed by renown collective (LA) HORDE and creatively written and imagined by Megaforce through Riff Raff.

MEGAFORCE: “We found the idea of this film digging though Burberry’s history. The founder, Thomas Burberry, created innovative weatherproof clothing that was used by polar explorers, which gave us this idea of a story that saw its characters braving the elements with ease. That iconic scene from the film ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ came to our minds so we wanted to draw inspiration from it and make a version that speaks for our times. This year has been tough for us all, so we wanted to push the metaphor and transformed the rain to ice blocks. We also changed the narrative from a single character to a group of friends because going through the adversity is a thing that we’d better do together.”


Burberry, Festive


Chief Creative Officer:  Ricardo Tisci

Chief Marketing Officer:  Rod Manley

Vp, Creative: Rachel Crowther

Art Director: Al Watts

Art Director: Sean Bell

Director Of Production: Rose Percy

Senior Producer: Asha Joneja

Producer: Cara Gillies

Production Coordinator: Rebecca Haddaway

Senior Manager, Post Production: Luke Stazaker

Styling Editor: Susie Miller

Junior Styling Editor: Fran Dyke

Assistant Stylist: Jack Clements


Agency & Production:  Riff Raff Films


Creative & Direction: Megaforce

Exec Producer/Owner:  Matthew Fone

Producer: Nick Goldsmith

Production Managers:  Hannah Fowles-Pazdro / Georgia Mills

Choreographer: (La)Horde

1st Assistant Director: Ben Gill

Dop: Katelin Arizmendi

Gaffer: Richard Oxley

Stylist: Ib Kamara

Production Designer: Marco Puig

Stylist:  Lucy Fewell

Sfx: Paul Mann, Neil Gawthrop

Editor: Joe Guest @ Final Cut

Post Production:  Mpc

Vfx Producer: Ryan Hancocks

2d Lead: Alex Lovejoy

3d Leads: Fabian Frank / Rob Richardson

Colourist: Matthieu Toullet

Sound Design: Sam Ashwell @ 750mph