Nike, Nothing Beats a Londoner
Director: Megaforce
Production company: Riff Raff
Agency: W+K
Absolut, The Vodka With Nothing to Hide
Director: Sam Hibbard
Production Company: Somesuch
Agency: BBH
Rag&bone, Why Can't We Get Along
Co-Directors: Benjamin Millepied, Aaron Duffy and Bob Partington
Director of Photography: Darius Khondji
Choreography: Benjamin Millepied
Music: Thom Yorke
Production company: 1stAveMachine
BBC Winter Olympics, The Fearless are Here
Production Company: Nexus StudiosDirectors: Smith & Foulkes Agency: Y&R LondonCreatives: Gavin McGrath, Jim Bolton, Psembi Kinstan Agency Producer: Kat Maidment
Centrepoint, The Boy Nobody Could See
Director: Martin Stirling
DOP: Carl Burke
Impact BBDO Dubai
Production House: TruffleExecutive Producers: Michel Abou Zeid and Cynthia Chammas
Ancestry,Together Forever
Agency: Droga5 London
Agency Producer: Gemma Knight
Production Co: Biscuit Filmworks Uk
Md: Rupert Reynolds-Maclean
Exec Producer: Hanna Bayatti
Head Of Production: Samantha Chitty
Producer: Cathy Green
Director: Noam Murro
Director Of Photography: Jo Willems
Editing Company (Offline): Final Cut
Editor: Ed Cheeseman
Post Production: Electric Theatre Productions
Music Production: String And Tins