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26th June 2017
Guest Pick: Film Craft
Tor Fitzwilliams, Stink Films' executive producer and juror of the Cannes Lions Film Craft category, chooses the films which really resonated with her

There was very strong work in each category and I could pick another six spots as easily as these if you’d let me. It was great to see good work from all over the globe and interesting to see certain trends emerging throughout the work. One thing I would say, is that there was a lack of good comedy scripts this year across the board – which is a shame and would have come as welcome relief when judging around 3000 entries.

The Blaze, Territory directed by Jonathan Alric, Iconoclast

A proper picture of youth and manhood – an amazing video for me.
Cast, music, cinematography –  it all feels so fresh and superbly crafted.

Save the Children, Still The Most Shocking Second A Day directed by Tom Green, Stink Films

A huge achievement in production for the tiny budget. Each scene as harrowing as the next, the impact of the film never fades on each viewing.

Kenzo, My Mutant Brain directed by Spike Jonze, MJZ

I welcome a sense of humour in any piece and this really stood out, it was so different in a category that normally takes itself so seriously.

Samsung, Ostrich directed by Matthijs Van Heijningen, MJZ

This work humanises a piece of technology in a way people outside of our media bubble could relate to. The VFX and animation are also faultless.

Sony Playstation, Gravity Cat, directed by Show Yanagisawa, Tohokushinsha Film Corporation, Tokyo

So different and fun. Great art direction, plus, who doesn’t love a cat video?

Paralympics, Superhumans directed by Dougal Wilson, Blink
