Six of the best GOLD commercials

Adidas, Blah Blah Blah

Adidas, Blah Blah Blah

Video placeholder for Adidas, Blah Blah Blah
Samsung School of Rio, Rowing

Samsung School of Rio, Rowing

Video placeholder for Samsung School of Rio, Rowing
Virgin Media, Usain Bolt, #BeTheFastest

Virgin Media, Usain Bolt, #BeTheFastest

Video placeholder for Virgin Media, Usain Bolt, #BeTheFastest
Paralympics, We're The Superhumans

Paralympics, We're The Superhumans

Video placeholder for Paralympics, We're The Superhumans
Nike India, Da Da Ding

Nike India, Da Da Ding

Video placeholder for Nike India, Da Da Ding
Samsung, The Chant

Samsung, The Chant

Video placeholder for Samsung, The Chant