Bird’s eye view By Saskia Kretzschmann

Director's Works

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Life and death in black and white by digital media student Saskia Kretzschmann

Now here’s a student to keep your animated eye on. This short film is Saskia Kretzschmann’s 5th semester digital media project at the Design School at the Anhalt University of Applied Science, Germany. We asked Saskia about how her film evolved.

“Drawing has always been one of my passions, but I began learning animation in 2010 when I discovered After Effects and Final Cut.

This short is based on Edgar Allan Poe’s quote: ‘The boundaries which divide life from death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?’

One of the main reasons why I chose this quote was the fact that it didn’t use any metaphors so I could freely interpret it with my own pictures and elements.

It took me about three months to create the film. After creating a storyboard and making some scribbles to define the style, I started to draw the elements digitally. The animation itself was realized completely out of two-dimensional layers in After Effects.

While working on the completion of the film, Thomas Mayer, a great pianist and friend of mine, composed the melody for the short.”