16th January 2012
Kitchen drama
Title of film: Lurpak, Lightest
Director: Dougal Wilson
Production Company: Blink
Dougal Wilson's great mash up
Chop! Chop! Chop! How many food ads have we seen with a fairly similar idea to this commercial launching Lurpak Lightest on UK TV last night? And why is it this time we all sat up and thought crikey that was good? It’s because it was directed by Blink’s Dougal Wilson that’s why. Who else could make frozen peas and sliced courgette into a brilliant piece of compulsive viewing? Those maestros of voiceover Weiden + Kennedy also came up trumps with Rutger Hauer singing the narration.
Director: Dougal Wilson
Production Company: Blink
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy, London
Creatives: Dan Norris and Ray Shaughnessy